Who Are My Top 5 Enemies

By Iasia Rogers

For the sake of you and your loved ones you should be able to identify who your enemies are. Now of course we don't want any enemies. But life is not perfect. And it doesn't really matter how nice you are, someone will find a problem with you.

Everyone wants to be likes. Most people don't really want problems, but problems can follow you. There are those who will hold personal grudges. There are those that look for prey. They like to make people their victims. Learn how to define these types so you can help protect yourself and your family.

Now here we have the Grudge Holders. These people are some of the easiest to identify. These are the people that you have somehow upset. You may have said or done something that they didn't like. No matter how hard you might try you can not please everyone. This may include an ex that you got rid of. A former best friend . An ex-employee . People that hold personal grudges are sore losers and can become very spiteful enemies.

Next we come to the Back-stabbers . Now these are some of the hardest enemies to identify because they hide their true intentions. You ever heard the song "Smile in your face, all the time they wanna take your place". Their bright smiles and hand shakes will fool you. These people see someone that they considers better than them and start plotting their fall. They will not confront you. Rather they will sabotage you behind your back with lies.

Bullies are not always the big, scary guy that picks on the weaklings. These are people that use their intelligence, money and authority to cause intimidation. They like to push around those they feel are not "adequate" to them. Bullies can resort to blackmail, intimidation and power tripping. But bullies will not go head to head with those who are equal or more superior to them. They are cowards.

Bigots and Racists are intolerable. Everyone have their own beliefs but bigots are loudmouth and aggressive because you don't share their beliefs. They will put you down and try to belittle you. Racists are ignorant enemies who don't like someone because of their race. America is the melting pot of the world with all different ethnicities. Racists will attack with words and sometimes even violence.

Finally we come to the Criminals.These are the rapists, murderers, robbers, and con men of the world. They kill, rape and steal for what they want. They look to cause physical and emotional pain to their victims. Their goal is to harm you and your family. Help protect yourself and them. People who are out to hurt you and loved ones should be treated as enemies.

Copyright (c) 2008 Iasia Rogers

Iasia Rogers is a self defense expert. She helps people protect themselves from becoming victims of crime by providing high quality self defense products at http://www.pepperspray-and-mace.com

By Larry Zolna

Pepper Spray (Oleoresin Capsicum or OC) is a naturally occurring substance derived from the oily resins in cayenne and other types of pepper. The active ingredient of Pepper Spray is produced below the stem of the pepper.

Pepper Spray is an inflammatory agent so contact with the eyes, nose and throat will cause immediate but temporary blindness and uncontrolled coughing and wheezing, cutting off all but breathing for life support. It can also cause nausea. Pepper Spray is non-toxic and non-lethal and the attacker will recover completely without any permanent harmful effects

OC is an oily substance and not very soluble in water so if the Pepper Spray gets on you, don't touch your eyes and or rub the affected area. If you do rub you're just going to make the effects last longer. Just rinse the area with cold water for up to 5 minutes or more and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with something to remove the oily resin. Baby shampoo is a good choice.

Many people have heard of the term SHU in regards to Pepper Spray but what does it mean? Scoville Heat Units (SHU's) measure the 'hotness' of peppers. The higher the SHU number, the hotter the pepper, so a sweet bell pepper has an SHU rating of 0 while a hot cayenne pepper used can have an SHU rating of over 5 million. Most Pepper Sprays on the market have a rating of 1.5 to 5 million SHU but the average range is generally 2-3 million SHU.

Pepper Spray comes in different concentrations. There are 3 main indicators that show how effective a Pepper Spray will be:

1) The SHU number (higher is hotter)
2) the type of agent that holds the OC in solution to help with the dispersal and
3) the size of the droplets as they are sprayed. The smallest droplets are the most effective because these are absorbed in the eyes and lungs most quickly.

Pepper Spray is usually sold in 3 different types of dispersal canisters.

Stream-type Pepper Spray goes out like a water pistol but you must aim at the face so you should shoot in a fan-like direction for maximum effect. With the Stream you have little problem with blow-back of the product towards yourself and the stream usually travels over 6 feet or more.

The Fogger type of Pepper Spray is easier to aim because it comes out in a mist with small particles for quicker effect and is especially good to break up a crowd of bad guys. It will, however, blow back towards the user in a wind and has a shorter travel range.

Foam Pepper Spray hits the attacker like shaving cream. The effects won't leave just because he wipes it off his skin. There is little problem with blow-back to the user.

The bottom line is no matter which type of Pepper Spray you use, it works! Since it is an inflammatory agent it will cause the attacker's mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs) to react automatically and if he can't see you (temporary blindness) or has trouble catching his breath, you have the time to run and call 911 for help. And, Pepper Spray can't just be wiped off so it will continue to work on the attacker for up to 45 minutes. Next time he'll think twice...

Pepper Spray can save your life. Don't be the next victim.

If you would like more information about Pepper Spray, please visit http://www.feelsafeandsecure.com/pepper_spray.html Also, please pass this article information to your family and friends to show them how much you care for their safety.

Larry Zolna is an author of numerous articles regarding Home Security Products, Self Defense Products and Wireless Hidden Cameras. All of these products can save you from the bad guy so you won't become another crime statistic. To see more about these crime-deterrent products, please visit http://www.feelsafeandsecure.com